CS-251A Data Structures and Algorithms
Lecture Descriptions, Homework and Play
Text Book: Data Structures
and Algorithms in JAVA by Michael Goodrich
and Roberto Tamassia

Week: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14

Week 1-Sept 2
Week 2-Sept 7 and 9
Lecture #2: Ancient Models of Computation
- The collapsing compass computer
- Euclid's second proposition
- Constructive (direct) proofs
- Case-analysis in proofs
Lecture #3: More on Methods of Proof
- The sum of the first n natural numbers
- Constructive direct proof
- Induction proof
- Proof by contradiction
- Number of prime numbers
- Diameter of a convex polygon
- Constructive case analysis
- 3-coloring the plane
- Counting regions in the plane
- Arrangement of lines
Reading Assignment
- Text: 2.1 - 2.6, 2.13, 2.14, 7.1
- Web: - A New Look at Euclid's Second Proposition (Handout)
- Web: 2.1 - Notes on methods of proof
Suggested Play
- Web: - Euclid's second proposition applet
- Web: - Pythagoras' theorem applet
- Web: 1.2.3 - The straight edge and compass
- Web: 2.2 - Classical fallatious proofs
Week 3-Sept 14 and 16
Lecture #4: Graphs
- If and only if
- Graph theory terminology
- Properties of trees
- Inductive proof of Euler's formula
- Strong induction: triangulating polygons via diagonal insertion
Lecture #5: Big "Oh"
- QUIZ #1, homework
#1 due, homework #2 out (due Sept. 30)
- Big "Oh" Notation
- Minimal spanning trees
Problem Assignment #2
- Growth of functions
- Big "Oh" notation
- Recursion and the Fibonacci
- Minimal spanning trees
of points
Reading Assignment
- Text: 2.7 - Euler's formula
- Web: 4.1 - Interactive introduction to graph theory
- Web: 4.2 - Introduction to graph theory (Luc Devroye's notes)
- Text: 2.11 - Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality
- Web: 4.4 - Web Tutorials: Introduction to Graph Theory
- Web: 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.1, Turing Machines, RAM's, Complexity
and Recursion
- Text: 3.1, 3.2 - Big "Oh" notation
Suggested Play
- Web: 20.3 - Minimal spanning tree applet
- Web: 4.11 - Euler's theorem
- Web: - Triangulating polygons via ear-cutting
(Ian Garton's tutorial with applet)
- Web: 20.2 - Art Gallery Theorem (applet)
Week 4-Sept 21 and 23
Lecture #6: Turing
Machines and Random Access Machines
- Review quiz #1
- Little "oh" notation, L'Hospital's rule
- Digital models of computation
- Turing machines
- Random access machines
- Ceiling and floor functions
- Computing the maximum gap in O(n) time
Lecture #7: Recursion
- More on maximum gap
- Recurrence Relations and Fibonacci sequences
Reading Assignment
- Web: 1.3.1 - Introduction to Turing machines
- Web: 1.3.2 - Turing machines and Random Access Machines
- Text: Chapter 3
- Web: - Recursion (Luc Devroye's class notes)
Suggested Play
- Web: - Fibonacci math
- Web: - Fibonacci and nature
- Web: - Fibonacci home page
Week 5-Sept 28 and 30
Lecture #8:
- Algorithms for computing the Fibonacci function
- Exponential - O(2^n)
- Linear - O(n)
- Logarithmic - O(log n)
- More induction
- Triangulating sets of points
- Two-ears theorem
Lecture #9:
QUIZ #2, homework #2 due, homework #3 out
(due Oct 14)
- Binary search
- A master theorem of recursion
- Divide and conquer
- Sorting
- Insertion sort
- Selection sort
- Bubble sort
- Divide and conquer (merge sort)
- Bucket sort with floor functions
Problem Assignment #3
- Turing
- Matrix
powering and the Fibonacci function
- The
skyline problem (Divide and Conquer)
- Graphs
(properties of vertices of odd degree)
Reading Assignment
- Text: 9.2 - Exponentiation
- Text: 5.6 - The skyline problem (divide and conquer)
- Text: Chapter 6 up to and including 6.4.3
- Web: - Fibonacci algorithms (David Eppstein)
- Web: - Two-Ears theorem (Ian Garton)
- Web: - Bucket sorting with floor functions
Suggested Play
- Web: - Fibonacci numbers and domino tilings
- Web: - - Sorting animation applets
Week 6 - October 5 and 7
Lecture #10:
- Lower bounds on the complexity of problems (comparison model of computation)
- Searching in a list (optimality of sequential search)
- Searching in an ordered list (optimality of binary search)
- Optimality of merge-sort (decision trees)
Lecture #11:
- Proof that bucket-sort takes O(n) expected time
- Searching data bases:
- Range search
- Nearest neighbor search
Reading Assignment
- Text: 6.4.6 - Lower bound for sorting
- Web: 1.4.2 - Lower bounds (Luc Devroye's class
- Handout: Range searching (geometric searching)
- Web: 6.7.1 - Projection methods for nearest neighbor
Suggested Play
- Web: 1.4.2 - MasterMind applet (decision trees)
- Web: 6.7.1 - Nearest neighbor search applet
Week 7 - Oct 12 and 14
Lecture #12:
- Prune-and-search methods:
- Finding an ear of a polygon in linear time
- Point-in-polygon problems
- Area of a polygon
- The geometric series
- Proof that a reflex vertex admits a diagonal
Lecture #13:
homework #3 due, homework #4 out (due Oct 28 but postponed to
Nov 2)
- Finding the closest pair:
- By brute force
- By induction
- Via repeated nearest neighbor searches
- The nearest neighbor graph
- The closest-pair via divide and conquer
- In one dimension in O(n log n) time
- In two dimensions
- In O(n log^2 n) time
- In O(n log n) time
Problem Assignment #4
- Number
of comparisons in binary search
- Element
- Non-collinearity
of points
- Computing
maximal points of a set
Reading Assignment
- Handout: Area of a polygon
- Text: 8.2 - Point-in-polygon testing
- Web: 14.1 - The geometric series
- Web: 14.2 - Finding an ear in linear time with
- Text: 8.5 - Closest pair
Suggested Play
- Web: 14.2 - Ear-cutting applet
Week 8 - Oct 19 and 21
Lecture #14:
- Binary search trees:
- Inserting and deleting items from BST's
- The Euler-Tour traversal of a tree
- Preorder traversal
- Inorder traversal
- Postorder traversal
- One-dimensional range searching
- Balanced multi-way search trees I:
- 2-4 trees
- Inserting items in 2-4 trees
Lecture #15:
- Balanced multi-way search trees II:
- Deleting items from 2-4 trees
- Applications:
- Plane-sweep algorithm for closest-pair searching
Reading Assignment
- Text: 4.3.3 - Binary search trees
- Web: 5.1.2 - Tree traversals (preorder, inorder
and postorder)
- Web: 5.1 - Introduction to trees (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
- Web: 5.3.3 - Binary search trees (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
- Web: 5.5.1 - (2,3,4)-trees
Suggested Play
- Web: 5.3.3 - Binary search tree applet (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
- Web: 5.1 - Tree traversal applet (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
- Web: 6.8.1 - Closest-pair applet
Week 9 - Oct 26 and 28
Lecture #16:
- Review solutions to quiz #3
- Graph isomorphism
- Graph planarity
- Eulerian tours and the Konigsberg bridge problem
Lecture #17:
- The Euler-Hierholzer Theorem
- Searching mazes and labyrinths
- Ancient Greek algorithm (Ariadne's thread)
- Gaston Tarry's algorithm (1895)
Reading Assignment
- Web: 4.2 - Introduction to graphs (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
- Web: 4.3 - Graph isomorphism
- Web: 4.4 - Graph planarity
- Web: 4.14 - The Bridges of Konigsberg Problem
- Web: 4.6.2 - Euler circuits
- Text: 7.2 - Eulerian graphs
- Text: 4.6 - Adjacency matrix
- Handout: Doubly-connected edge list
- Web: 6.3.1 - Depth-first search (Luc Devroye's class notes)
- Web: 6.4 - Breadth-first search (Luc Devroye's class notes)
Suggested Play
- Web: 4.2 - Adjacency matrix and list applet
- Web: 6.1.1 - A Maze Game
- Web: 6.1.2 - 3D Maze Applet
- Web: - Depth-first search applet
- Web: 6.4.1 - Breadth-first search applet
Week 10 - Nov 2 and 4
Lecture #18: homework
#4 due, homework #5 out (due Nov 16)
- Data structures for graphs
- Adjacency matrices
- Adjacency lists
- Doubly-connected edge lists for plane graphs
- Depth-first search in a graph
- Breadth-first search in a graph
- Hill climbing algorithms
- Greedy algorithms
- The diameter of a convex polygon
- Via depth-first search
Problem Assignment #5
- Balanced search trees (2-4-trees)
- Planar graphs
- Hamiltonian graphs
Lecture #19:
- Hamiltonian graphs
- Relation to Eulerian graphs
- Digraphs and tournaments
- Proof that tournaments are Hamiltonian
- Dense graphs
- Proof of Ore's theorem on Hamiltonicity of dense graphs
- The diameter of a convex polygon
- Via rotating caliper graph
- Proof that the diameter is an antipodal pair
Reading Assignment
- Text: 7.3 - Depth-first search and breadth-first
- Web: 4.16 - Rotating caliper graph
- Handout: Multiway trees: 2-4-trees
- Text: 7.12 - Hamiltonian tours
Suggested Play
- Web: 20.6 - Polygonization applet
Week 11 - Nov 9 and 11
Lecture #20:
- Simple Hamiltonian cycles in point sets:
- Polygonizing planar sets of points
- Star-shaped polygonizations
- Monotonic polygonizations
- Spiral polygonizations
- Orthogonal polygonizations
- Reconstructing simple polygons from their vertex
- Testing self-intersections in polygons
- Computing segment intersections via plane-sweep
technique and balanced search trees
Lecture #21: QUIZ
- Map and graph coloring:
- Dual graphs
- Two-colorability
- Maps determined by arrangements of lines and
- Closed-curve maps
- The scheduling problem as graph coloring
- Cromatic number of a graph
Reading Assignment
- Handout: Rotating calipers and diameter
- Text: 8.3 - Constructing simple polygons
- Text: 8.6 - Intersections of horizontal and vertical
- Web: 4.13.1 to 4.13.5 - Map coloring
Suggested Play
- Web: 20.6 - Polygonization applet
- Web: 20.6.1 - Polygon reconstruction applet (orthogonal connect-the-dots)
- Web: 4.11.1 - Minimum spanning tree applet
Week 12 - Nov 16 and 18
Lecture #22: homework
#5 due, homework #6 out (due Dec 2)
- Induction proof of 5-color theorem
- Three-colorability
- Triangulated polygons
- Line-arrangement graphs
- O(n^2 log n) time algorithm
- Minimum spanning trees
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Baruvka's algorithm
Problem Assignment #6
- Greedy algorithms and least-cost
Hamiltonian cycles in graphs
- Hamiltonian cycles in dense
graphs (Ore's theorem)
- Convex hulls of points
Lecture #23:
- Convex hulls of points:
- Rosenberg & Landgridge algorithm - O(n^3)
- Jarvis Algorithm (gift wrapping) - O(nh)
- Expected number of points on the convex hull
- Beneath-beyond algorithm - O(n^2)
- Divide-and-conquer - O(n log n)
- Graham's algorithm - O(n log n)
- The 3-coins algorithm for monotone polygons and chains in O(n) time
- Lower bound on the complexity of the convex hull problem via reduction
from sorting
Reading Assignment
- Text: 7.6 - Minimum-cost spanning trees
- Web: 4.11.1 - Minimum spanning trees (Luc Devroye's
class notes)
- Web: 4.11.2 - Minimum spanning trees (David Eppstein's
class notes)
- Web:4.11.3 - Kruskal's algorithm tutorial
- Text: 8.4 - Convex hulls
- Web: 20.10 - Convex hulls of points
Suggested Play
- Web: 4.11.3 - Kruskal algorithm applet
- Web: 20.10 - Convex hull applets
Week 13 - Nov 23 and 25
Lecture #24:
- Priority queues via the heap data structure
- application to sorting (heapsort)
- application to minimum spanning trees (Kruskal's
- More convex hulls
- Throw-away principle - O(n) expected time (Quickhull)
Lecture #24: Course
- Prune-and-search methods revisited:
- Quicksort
- Randomized quicksort
- Selection
- Via sorting
- Via heaps
- Randomized selection
- Finding the median of a set of numbers in linear time
Reading Assignment
- Text: 4.3.2 - Heaps
- Web: 5.6 - Tutorial on heaps
- Web: - Heapsort tutorial
- Web: 19.2.2 - Selection and order statistics
- Web: 14.3 - Linear time selection (Luc Devroye's
course notes)
- Web: 14.4 - Linear time selection (David Eppstein's
course notes)
Suggested Play
- Web: 5.6 - Heap applet
Week 14 - Nov 30 and Dec 2
Lecture #26: Review
course material
Lecture #27: In-Class
75-minute Test